Our students love reading!
- Librarian, ES
The Parklawn ES Library is a warm and welcoming place for students, staff, and parents. It is the goal of the library program to develop and encourage a love of reading for all students and assist them in becoming critical thinkers who are effective and responsible users of information. Parklawn Library contains over 20,000 items available for check out by students, staff, and parents.
The library is open Monday through Friday, 8:10 am - 3:40 pm. Please consult your child's classroom teacher for their class' library day.
Checkout Guidelines
Parklawn library has a variety of items for check out, including books, magazines and Playaway devices. Playaway devices included an audio book version or video based book player. For the audio book version, students will need to use their own headphones/earbuds but the library can supply battery replacements as needed. The video based players come with their own cords for charging. The library also has a number of reference books, content materials, media equipment, and technology resources that are used throughout the school.
All items can be checked out to students for a maximum of two weeks at a time. If a student wishes to keep a book longer, they may renew the book to keep it for another two weeks. Any item not returned in the two weeks will be considered overdue. Once a student has over due items they will be limited to checking out only one book per week until that overdue item is returned. If a student accrues six or more overdue books they will be unable to check out any more books until those items are returned.
Overdue notices will be sent on a monthly basis throughout the year. If you receive one of these notices, please make an effort to locate the item and return it to the library as soon as possible. At the end of the school year, these notices will be sent more often in an effort to have all items returned by the end of the school year.
Students are responsible for handling their library books. It is advised that students have a designated location to keep their library books at home to encourage this responsibility. If a book is lost or becomes damaged while checked out to the student, Mrs. Zamudio will be in contact about next steps for issuing a bill or having the student pay for the item through community service. It is important to learn to treat library books responsibly and respectfully as they are shared with the entire school community.
Digital Reading Materials
Parklawn has a host of digital reading materials, including MyOn, TumbleBooks, PebbleGo and eBooks. There are 1,000 titles including story books, read alongs, videos, nonfiction, math stories, puzzle games and more. Choose Google to login.

Library Lessons and Checkout
Students in Head Start, PAC, kindergarten, first grade, and second grade will listen to a story and check out one book appropriate for their age level. These stories often align with the content they are discussing in their classroom.
Kindergarten students begin the school year checking out from a selection of books, then transition to picking their own books from the library shelves. By the end of the year, students will learn the skills to bridge the gap between kindergarten and first grade check out. First and second grade students will check out two books appropriate for their level. We discuss the importance of selecting good fit books students are interested in and are able to read often throughout the school year.
Third, fourth and fifth grade students participate in a variety of lessons related to, reviewing, and enhancing the content they are receiving in their classroom. These students can check out three books appropriate for their level.
Parent Volunteers
Parents are always welcome in the library as volunteers for special events or every day tasks. These tasks could be shelving, but can also include cleaning, applying stickers, assisting students or any other management tasks.
The main event for Parklawn library is the book fair, taking place each fall. Feel free to contact Mrs. Zamudio for more information about volunteering for a library event or on a regular basis.
Happy reading everyone!