Academics Learn more about our academic teams, see the school supply lists, and find out how to access the Parent Student Information System (SIS). What Will My Student Learn This Year? Learn About K-6 Academics(link is external) What Life Skills Will My Student Develop at FCPS? FCPS Portrait of a Graduate(link is external) Academic Teams Meet our grade level teachers and resource teams Specialists Information and resources about the staff who teach Art, Counseling, Library, Music, PE, Spanish, Tech English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Our ESOL department works with children who are English Learners (ELs). Special Education Parklawn's Special Education program serves over 150 students with diverse needs. Advanced Academic Programs (AAP) Parklawn offers a continuum of advanced academic services for students. School Counseling Meet our school counselors, school psychologist, and social worker and learn about our school counseling program. Student Testing Learn about the types of assessments students have each year. Early Childhood Child Find Our Parklawn ES Preschool serves children from two to five years old with special needs. School Support Services Additional staff that support a wide range of school needs School Supply Lists Supply lists identified by grade or program. Student Information System (SIS) ParentVue SIS ParentVue provides online access to information about your child’s attendance, report card grades, course materials and more. Student Links A list of digital resources for our students. Title I Program As a Title I school, Parklawn ES receives government funds for academic instruction. Contact Important contacts and phone numbers.